Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Thematic workshops (14 May)

On the first day of our conference - May 14th - we had our first thematic workshops. We were divided into six groups: consumption, natural resources, energy, solidarity, transport and biodiversity.

We all discussed about what responsibility is and then we talked about our topics. We decided what was the most important thing in our subjects. For example, in consumption group we came to the conclusion that every person can manage to do the 5R’s: Rethink, React, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
We created responsabilities for each topic.

Consumption: “We feel responsible for what we buy.”
Natural resources: “We feel responsible for raising people’s awareness in our community on the importance of Natural resources.”
Energy: “Raising people’s awareness about reducing exhausting and polluting energies and replacing them with renewable energies.”
Solidarity: “Create social connections between people of all ages in local and international communities.
Transport: “We want to reduce carbon emissions and air pollution by taking the public transport, walking, riding bikes or skateboards, consuming local products and encouraging people to do the same.”
Biodiversity: “We want to make people aware of the stakes of biodiversity and make them protect it from the danger of global warming, in order to preserve it for future generations.”
Biodiversity workshop
On 15th May we continued on working in the same groups. We discussed about same questions with delegates from other groups and we were told to have few minutes writing on the subject and expressing our ideas about them. Thematic workshops were really interesting and inspiring.
I, Amy from Malta, was in the Consumption group. I enjoyed discussing my ideas with other delegates from other countries. I liked it because some things that you can do were really fascinating. I have to tell my friends in Malta about it, so together we can take an action.

I, Adelė from Lithuania, was in the Biodiversity group. I enjoyed our workshops very much, because that was experience that I have never had before. It was something new and very interesting for me. It inspired me to love our planet even more and take care of it as good, as I possibly can.

  Amy, Malta
Adelė, Lithuania

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