Giulia Motta Zanin (Italia), Jhoanna Cifuentes (Colombia) and José
Jara (Argentina).
“Indigenous peoples have the
right to determine and develop priorities and strategies for the development of
their lands or territories and other resources”
Art. 32 of the United Nations Declaration on the
Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)
On COP21 are happening many side events about the role of the
Indigenous Peoples’ in Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies. During the event
“Strengthening Indigenous Peoples’ Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies and
Food Security through direct access to the Green Climate Fund” was underlined
the importance of the active role that these populations should have.
Jo Ann Guillao, researcher of the Indigenous Peoples’ International
Centre for Policy Research and Education (TEBTEBBA) from Philippines, spokes
about the strong interrelationship between Climate Change, Biodiversity and
Traditional Knowledge. For him “Traditional knowledge is an inseparable part of
indigenous and local communities’ culture, social structures, economy,
livelihoods, beliefs, traditions, customs, customary law, health and their
relationship to the local environment” and this is fundamental to achieving
sustainable development and key contributor to addressing climate change.
Speaking about climate change impacts and interventions, indigenous
peoples’ will remain at the centre stage. But the Climate Green Found (CGF),
founded by the UNFCCC as a mechanism to assist developing countries in
adaptation and mitigation practices to counter climate change, does not provide
they with any active role.
Kimaren Ole Riamit, executive director of the Indigenous Livelihood
Enhancement Partners (ILEPA) from Kenya and Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special
Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples explained which are the key
Indigenous Peoples’ asks. First of all, the Indigenous Peoples should have
direct access to financial resources, under the GCF - through their
representative organizations, building on the experience and precedents of
other climate funds. Furthermore, GCF will need to develop its own capacity to
fully assess and ensure compliance with international human rights standards
and obligations relevant to indigenous peoples.
side event was about the relations between the indigenous people and the access
to climates funds for climate change mitigation and adaptations policies. The
main focus was in a project for Amazonian indigenous peoples called REDD +
Indigena Amazonia RIA finance by Forestal Investment Program (FIP). The most
interesting thing in this discussion was that the debating table was sharing by
indigenous leaders, people from Peruvian Government, WWF, and one represent
from the World Bank.
Plinio (Represent of indigenous people) spokes about ownership, resources
management and territorial governance because there are pressures due the
development of oil activities, the planting oil palm, the construction of
hydroelectric plants and affecting 75% of the area.
Luis Tayori Kentero from Harakbut tribe spokes about the bases and the process
that ten communities have developed for Peruvian Government. This was about
studies of indigenous technical people focus on archaeological and cultural
richness, and sacred places, and also the damage on them. “ The region of Madre
de Dios is a biodiversity territory and
in five years will be a desert region
because the human ambition only want to satisfice their needs without thinking
about others” told Tayori Kentero.
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