The Portuguese Association for Environmental Education (ASPEA) is the coordinator in Portugal of Let's take care of the Planet! Through the Project and as a partner of the French association Monde Pluriel, ASPEA participated in the COP21 Conference in order to give visibility to the project and to collaborate with the International Youth Press Agency, a team of young journalists that give visibility to the activities taking place in COP21.
The participation of two youth of the Portugal-Galicia delegation was expected but after the November events in Paris and due to safety reasons, the presence of minors was not allowed.
This is the case of Ana Sofia (Viseu) and Pablo Romeu (Galicia), who had planned to participate but unfortunately could not. However this did not stop them to write a few lines about their expectations for COP21:
Ana Sofia : Earth is our home, let's save it!

If there is a topic right now that can unite politicians, journalists, youngsters and older people...of all cultures, races and religions of the world, it's the environment. We all know that there is still a lot to be done in order for us to be able to redeem our past actions and avoid a future possibly irreversible and profoundly damaging climate change. I know that this is the last opportunity (we are racing time) to achieve a political agreement that avoids the planet´s global warming.
I wish that in COP21 it will be possible to implement a new hope in our future of the survival of all species in the planet. I know that the first victory will be to convince all countries that economic growth is possible without the intensive consumption of fossil fuels. Therefore the most important thing will be to incentive countries to use new technologies and methods that allow economic and social development, for example the use of solar panels, wind turbines, policy that involve the use of cleaner energies, ecologic life styles and the use of public transportation. An important part of this process is to inform the population about the consequences of climate change and the effects that will be seen in the future (floods, droughts, extreme climate occurrences, price rises of food, worsening life quality, more diseases and wars, reduction of drinkable water, alteration in the sea currents due to the melting of the glaciers, which can cause the modification in the habits of the aquatic species, climate changes in the surface and the acidification of oceans, among many others) in order to sensitise and change peoples' actions.
Even though I couldn't be present at COY11 and COP21 due to the lack of safety, my thoughts go to everybody that is present there, so that the world can achieve an agreement, and that we can all show union and strength to fight climate change.
I truly believe information and knowledge are the only weapon we can use to save the planet.
Pablo Romeu_ What do I expect from COP21?
What I expect from this event is to become a historical moment when humans avoid climate change.
This problem traps us in a negative, self-destructive and obscene vicious circle, and not only in the biological or climatic environment.
Rich countries are fighting over territories rich in fuel and oil, creating confrontations that only cause more violence; and poor countries suffer these consequences.
For these reasons, we can say that climate change not only causes natural disasters, this problem promotes wars, poverty, and even terrorism.
Despite everything, I would love telling the world leaders that they must worry about what is really important, what really matters.
The economic model must change. The pollution that we cause is unsustainable, and we have already exceeded the limits.
Now is the time to change, and we must change drastically. We are technologically prepared to eradicate polluting energy sources, and replace them with more clean energy.
The economy can not be an impediment to do what we must do.
It's time to save the world. Let's do it.
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