Thursday, 21 June 2012

Global Warming

Global warming
If I was a bird
I would go up very high
I would go and see the stars
In my spaceship

Then I would see the Earth
Under a blanket of dust
Our Earth all damaged
That will explode soon

With all this pollution
We would deserve a good punishment
But it would be pointless
Because all this will not change tomorrow

The Greenhouse effect
All around the earth
Will not go away
If we keep polluting

TAKE ACTION and quickly
Because global warming
Will not wait
Even if we ask

Marc-Wildor Saint-Germain, Cayenne (French Guiana)
 Le réchauffement climatique

Si j'étais un oiseau
Je monterais très haut
j'irais voir les étoiles
Dans mon vaisseau spatial

Je verrais alors la Terre
Sous un manteau de poussière
Notre Terre toute abimée
Qui va bientôt exploser

Avec toute cette pollution
On mériterait une bonne punition
Mais ça ne servirait à rien
Vu que tout ça ne changera pas demain

Cet effet de serre
Tout autour de la terre
Ne pourra pas s'en aller
Si nous continuons de polluer

IL FAUT AGIR et vite
Car le réchauffement climatique
Ne se fera pas attendre
Même si on lui demande
Marc-Wildor Saint-Germain, Cayenne (Guyane Française)

Ma Terre...

Ma Terre je l'aime, elle me nourrit, Ma viande, mes légumes et mes fruits, sans pesticide, sans engrais, sans poison, une agriculture de raison. Pourtant les hommes qui nous nourrissent ne voient qu'argent, profits et bénéfices. Ils usent et abusent des ressources, polluent les prés, les forêts et les sources. Heureusement une partie d'entre eux est avisée et peu à peu fait partager ses connaissances, son savoir, ses techniques et ses sciences afin que très bientôt il n'y ait plus que des produits bio, respectant l' Homme et l'animal pour que notre Terre n'ait plus mal... Alors rêve ou réalité ? Notre destin est-il scellé ? Il faut lutter avec acharnement, Pour notre avenir, pour nos enfants.

I love my earth, she feeds me, My food, my vegetables and my fruits, without pesticides, fertilizers, no poison, a reasonable farming. Yet, men who feed us think about nothing but money, profits and benefits. They use and abuse of resources, pollute the meadows, forests and springs. Fortunately, a part of them is well-informed and little by little, they share knowledge, techniques and sciences so that very soon there will nothing else but organic food, respecting humankind and animals for our Earth doesn't suffer anymore ... So, dream or reality? Is our fate sealed? We must fight hard, for our future, for our children.

French Delegate

Friday, 15 June 2012

Young Facilitators meeting Brazilians facilitators from Brasilia 2010 conference

Follow our adventure in Rio on the blog this week! 

Today we had a very interesting meeting between the three European facilitators Cristina, Aynur and Ivan – who are here to bring the European Youth voice, and Fernando and Mariana, who were facilitators during the 2010 Conference in Brasilia (first international Let’s Take Care of the Planet conference). Both Fernando and Mariana are very involved in youth movements, in particular in the REJUMA (important Youth network for Environment in Brazil) and REBEA (Network on Environmental Education). Their involvement and work is impressive.

We worked together on how we can articulate here in Rio the youth activities, and find the convergence points. The common objective is to focus on the notion of responsibility and commitment to both give a collective youth message and follow actively what will happen after Rio + 20. The 2010 Youth Charter, but also the Open Letter to the Decision-makers will be referent documents for that purpose. Making convergences between all the young people here will be all the more possible as Fernando is coordinating the ‘Youth Territory’ in the People’s Summit, and of course, we will help him!

Also we are preparing a workshop for next Saturday, based on the European Open Letter to Decision-makers, but this is another story… And we’ll come back with another article! 

Lydia Nicollet, co-coordinator of the European process 

Thursday, 14 June 2012

Video Message Rio+20

Video performed by the European delegates in Brussels during the Youth European Conference Let's Take Care of the Planet - 14th to 16th of May 2012. Video message towards the Rio+20 Earth Summit.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The Flash Mob in front of the European Parliament

What a great experience for everyone, going outside and let the public know about our experience and commitments!